
Credit/No Credit Option

Request for Undergraduate Credit/No Credit Option

  • The “credit/no credit” option is designed to encourage students to pursue coursework of interest outside of their areas of study.

  • Courses used to fulfill free elective and free cognate requirements are eligible to be taken with this option.

  • Courses taken under the “credit/no credit” option count toward the accumulated credit hours for the degree, but they are not included in the grade point average calculation.

  • Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.67 or greater who have accumulated at least 60 credits toward their degree may elect to take some courses on a “credit/no credit” basis.

  • Students may apply for the “credit/no credit” option by seeking approval from their dean’s office and filing the completed forms with the registrar by the end of the second week of the semester (or by the second day of summer sessions and intersession).

  • The option cannot be reversed after the fourth week of class (or the fourth day of summer sessions and intersession).

  • Courses used to fulfill general education requirements, courses in the major and cognate, as well as courses in a minor or concentration, and those used to fulfill requirements in the Honors, SJLA and Business Leadership programs may not be taken under the “credit/no credit” option.

  • Students may take no more than a total of four courses under this option, and no more than one per semester (other than internships, practicums, or physical education courses).

  • Students receive the following transcript notations under the “credit/no credit” option: A grade of C or higher yields a CS (credit satisfactory) notation; a passing grade less than C (C-, D, D+) yields a CD (credit deficiency) notation; a grade less than passing (F) yields an NC (no credit) notation.

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